Helping Others Makes Us Happy Too

Helping Others Makes You Happy &  Five Easy Ways To Do It!
Helping Others Helps Us In More Ways Than One. Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay

In this post, we’ll discuss how helping others helps us in lots of ways including making us happy. This post also includes simple things we can do to help others too.

How Helping Other Helps Us

The science is out! Helping others makes us happy too, along with other great benefits! Helping others is shown to have a number of positive effects in ourselves and the community such as:

1. Helping others makes us feel good.

Ever wondered what’s that “warm glow” you feel after doing a good deed for another person? It’s called the helper’s high!

The “helper’s high” is a real thing. This happens because our bodies release feel-good hormones after doing an act of kindness. Researchers say that helping others activates the same part of the brain as receiving rewards or experiencing pleasure.

As an effect, when we help others, we feel good and are more likely to repeat these behaviors. 

2. Helping others makes us healthier.

There are a lot of health benefits associated with helping others, such as:

  • increased energy
  • lower stress level
  • better immune system
  • increased life span
  • fewer symptoms of depression and anxiety

3. Helping other gives us a sense of purpose.

Studies show that helping others improve overall sense of purpose and identity. It makes us more satisfied with our lives because we see the impact of our good actions to the world.

4. Helping others makes better communities

Helping others is contagious. One study found that people are more likely to do acts of altruism if they observe another person doing it. This effect can ripple throughout the community, inspiring dozens of individuals to pay it forward. Helping others, indeed makes the world a better place.

5. Helping others makes us happy too.

With all the good things above, helping others makes us happy too. A research found that 96% of the people who volunteered to help others are happier because of it. Let’s start now!

How To Help In Simple Ways

Helping others doesn’t have to be expensive or grand. All it needs to be is a genuine act to improve someone’s situation.

1. Just Be There.

Lend your ear to someone. Truly listen and give your time. Listen to understand, and not just to reply. Listening to someone venting their bad days, or to someone sharing their happiness is a good way to help validate their feelings and make them feel they matter.

2. Donate.

If your budget permits, donate any amount! And, donations may also be in kind – food, clothes, etc. No amount is small, if used to help others.

3. Support small and local businesses

Re-think your shopping habits and buy your usual needs from small and local stores when available. Small business are heavily burdened by this pandemic, let’s help in keeping them upfloat.

4. Volunteer your time.

Join a tree planting activity or cleanliness drive in the community. Or in this time of pandemic, help a less-techie lola/lolo/tita/tito to navigate technologies to communicate with other people while on lockdown. Our time is a precious gift to give.

5. Give blood.

If you are able, give blood. Especially in this time of Covid-19 crisis, your blood can really save a life.

6. Advocate.

Support a cause you believe in by advocating it. Share awareness for movements you support. Educate other people about its importance. It’s about time to be the change we want to see in this world.

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”

– Mahatma Gandhi

Even easier ways to help NOW!

Let’s help our FRONTLINERS, our FAMILIES and EVERYONE else!!! Wear a mask. Keep safe distance. Follow safety protocols. Stay home and limit travels to only the very essential.

Your acts of kindness matter!

Stop a while to help! Help a kid safely cross the road. Open the door for someone with their hands full. We are busy with our lives, but if we stop a while and look, there are a lot of people who’ll appreciate our help!

Thanks for your time!

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